Growing Different Daisy Plants In The Garden

Daisies are a popular choice for many gardens and for a reason. They are cheerful, bright, and easy to grow. However, the name “daisy” is much broader than you would think so, and there are so many options when it comes to picking the right type of daisy to grow.

Also, many of us associate daisies with childhood games when we used to pluck the petals from the flower while singing, loves me, loves me not. Nowadays, you can find more than 23,000 species and 1,500 genera of daisies.

While some resemble the classic daisies from our childhood, others come in different shapes and vibrant colors. Now, let’s explore daisy plants further and see how you can grow them.


Different types of daisies

The term “daisy” originates from the day’s eye. In general, plants called daisies open in the morning and close at night, which applies to all daisies.

Shasta daisy

The most common type is the Shasta daisy. This one has that classic look, long white petals, and a yellow center. This species has large flowers that bloom from summer to fall. Even though they are low-maintenance, Shasta daisies don’t like wet feet and sometimes will fail to appear after a soggy winter.

English daisy

English daisy has earned the reputation of being a weed, and it’s even considered invasive in some areas. When it comes to appearance, the English daisy features flowers with a yellow center and white rays. However, you can also find numerous cultivars with button and semi-double blooms, like Galaxy Red. English daisies prefer a warmer climate and demand full sun exposure.

Marguerite Daisy

Also known as cobbitty daisies, Marguerite daisies feature demure, pink, and yellow color choices. They grow in warmer zones, and they are annuals, which means you have to replant them every year. Marguerite Daisies are at their best during spring and fall when temperatures are below 75 degrees.

Gerbera daisy

2013 was named the year of the Gerbera due to its pleasing shape and remarkable colors. Compared to other types, this South African native has tender petals, limiting them only to a warmer climate. However, you can grow them in containers, and they can make beautiful cut flowers as well.

How to plant and grow daisies?

If you want to grow different types of daisies, you will need to know the basic differences between them. First of all, keep in mind that some daisy plants are annuals, living only one season, while others are perennials, living more than one season.

For instance, if you decide to plant marguerite daisy, be aware that this is an annual plant, which means it will be alive only for one season. However, you get to enjoy stunning flowers in white, bright pink, and yellow color all year round.

However, when it comes to Osteospermum, they are perennial daisies with lavender-blue petals and a darker center. Another thing to consider when growing daisies is your climate. For example, some plants only grow in a warmer climate, while others can stand slightly colder weather.

More or less, all daisies flowers are planted in the early spring. You can grow them from seeds or buy already formed plants. So, when planting your flowers, make sure to choose a sunny site with well-drained soil, which is rich in organic matter.

On the other hand, potted plants should be planted with the crown above the soil. We should mention that all daisies love the sun and don’t behave well in the shade, which eventually affects their flowering.